On 6 March 2012, Auckland Council’s Auckland Plan Committee (the Committee) made resolutions about the long-term role of Auckland ports within the UNI freight network and about long-term strategic choices for the Auckland waterfront.

The UNISA Mayors and Chairs endorsed work to investigate current and future freight demand and supply and scenarios to meet that demand, in the context of ports and port-related infrastructure for the UNI. This work has taken the form of a joint technical study, produced by PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), and sponsored by UNISA.

The primary objective of the study was to develop a credible and consistent understanding of the upper North Island’s freight and port supply chain system. It is a technical, evidence based demand and supply study conducted by an independent supplier, which has had regard to existing relevant studies, information or research previously undertaken.

You can read the report here. [PDF, 7.1 MB]